DESCRIPTION: Breeder has sold to Buyer the puppy described below: D.O.B._______________ Sex________ Color_____________ Sire________________ Dam_______________
Terms of Agreement:
I, __________________________ (Buyer) agree to pay a non-refundable deposit of $________ to Patricia Morgan (Breeder/Seller) to hold a Male/Female Goldendoodle puppy until date of ____________. Deposit is only refundable if death or illness occurs before pick-up date. Breeder is not expected to hold the puppy past the agreed upon pick-up date unless prior arrangements have been made. Breeder will attempt to contact the Buyer three times if the puppy has not been picked up by the agreed upon date. After the third attempt to contact Buyer, the Breeder is no longer obligated to hold the puppy and this agreement becomes null and void. Any monies paid to the Breeder will not be refunded. Buyer agrees that final payment of purchase price (plus any additional training if applicable) is due to the Breeder when the puppy is selected by the Buyer by 6 weeks of age. Breeder agrees that the puppy is healthy at the time of sale and has had immunizations required for the age of the puppy, which are documented in the attached Health Record. Buyer agrees to have the puppy spayed/neutered by 18 months of age. Buyer also agrees to provide the Breeder a copy of the alter certificate from DVM to [email protected] Please discuss the appropriate age at which your puppy should be altered with your veterinarian. Buyer agrees that, if at any time, they are unable to keep or care for the puppy/dog, they must notify the Breeder and the puppy/dog must be returned to the Breeder. The puppy/dog may not be transferred or sold by the Buyer without prior consent of the Breeder. This contract will remain in effect and must be signed by the new owners before the transfer is complete. The Buyer’s understanding and acceptance of this condition is signified here by his or her initials _________ on _________(date). If the Breeder determines, by any means, that the puppy/dog is not suitably cared for, or that it has been mistreated, the Breeder has the right to take full possession of the puppy/dog from the Buyer. The Breeder’s opinion is the only authority required to justify this action. Testimony of other people will not supersede the Breeder’s judgment on this matter. Under such circumstances, all guarantees are null and void. The Buyer agrees not to sue the Breeder and that the Buyer will be responsible to pay any and all court and attorney fees incurred by the Breeder should any suit be brought against the Breeder regarding this puppy/dog by any person. The Buyer signifies acceptance of this condition by initialing here __________ on _____________(date). Buyer agrees that it is their responsibility to familiarize themselves with the breed of said puppy and understand the nature of the breed and any medical conditions related to the breed. Buyer acknowledges that said puppy’s temperament may change with lack of proper training and discipline, or if puppy is mishandled or abused. Buyer agrees to keep the puppy on NuVet canine vitamins for the puppy’s first full year. Failure to do so renders the Health Guarantee null and void. Sample and order code will be provided at the time of pick-up. Buyer agrees that it is their responsibility to provide regular vet care including vaccinations and boosters. Heartworm medicine is highly recommended. Buyer agrees that this is a Non-Breeding contract and agrees that puppy/dog will not be bred or allowed to produce a litter before they are altered. Any puppies resulting from a litter will belong to the Breeder. Buyer agrees that this puppy is being purchased as a pet and will never be used for breeding. Failure to follow through with the spay/neuter contract as outlined above will terminate the Health Guarantee. Any legal fees incurred by the Breeder to enforce this non-breeding contract are the sole responsibility of the Buyer. Payment of these damages does not lift this non-breeding contract and the puppy/dog would still have to be altered at the earliest time. The Buyer’s understanding and acceptance of this condition is signified here by his or her initials _________ on _________(date). Buyer agrees to allow Breeder to use any pictures, taken and/or shared (including all persons visible, adult and minor) for commercial uses. Buyer agrees that they have read and understand the Health Guarantee and Contract agreement for the puppy they are purchasing. Buyer agrees to the terms of said contract.